On-Site Consulting
A typical consultation usually takes 45 minutes to an hour onsite at your location with your present. I will take a look at your situation and we will talk about your different options. You will also get a detailed report, plan of action, and quote for any work that needs to be done. If you choose to have us do the work, you can apply the cost of the consultation towards it.
Areas of specialty:
-removal, containment, and management of bamboo
-planting bamboo
Prices for on-site consultations:
-$225 - Triangle Area - Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, etc.
-$300 - Triad Area: Greensboro, Winston Salem, High Point, etc. also Fayetteville area and the Sandhills area
-$400 - Charlotte, Richmond, and Wilmington areas
-$500 - Asheville, Greenville SC, VA Beach, and Myrtle Beach areas
-$900 - Washington DC, Atlanta, Charleston, and Savannah areas
-$3~$4/mi one-way- other areas
Other Consulting
Prices for other consulting:
-$7/min or $180/hr - phone or online conversation without reports or followup
-$490 - full online consultation - videos/pics/map/correspondence prep, 1 hour video call, followup report
-$350/hr - expert witness for depositions, court testimony, and other legal-related needs.
Landscaping: Bamboo Removal, Containment, Planting, and Management
Removal - A common request is to remove part of a grove and manage the remainder of it through thinning and containment. We also remove entire groves. There are several options to deal with "IT WON'T DIE!" situation.
Containment - a common problem with existing bamboo is that it doesn't stay where you want it. There are four possible solutions, depending on the situation:
Planting Bamboo for Privacy Screens and Hedges - Bamboo is ideal for a fast-growing evergreen privacy screen. Whether for privacy or decoration, bamboo is a wonderful ornamental. Unlike bamboo planted in years past, we now have the techniques and materials to keep it contained in place without fear of spreading to unwanted areas.
Management - Remove dead and damaged culms first. Then remove overcrowded or otherwise undesirable culms and branches. The desired density depends on grove use (e.g., farming will be thinner, about 1 culm per sqaure foot, while screening will be higher density to maintain privacy).
Farming Bamboo - Want a great investment? How about a plant that you harvest food (edible shoots) at a conservative two tons per acre (it's possible to get up to five), plus yearly harvested poles, plus harvest botanicals, teas, etc. Oh did I mention it grows well in the poorest of soils, requires minimal inputs, and is invulnerable to almost all pests and diseases? Oh, and you only plant it once - forever. Sounds like bamboo is right up your alley. You must have patience, though. Depending on the size and intensity of installation it's usually 6-12 years before significant harvest can be had. But after that, your yields will continue to increase every year - forever (or until you run out of land). Remember the old adage about bamboo: first is sleeps, then it creeps, then it leaps. Price varies according to project.
Containment - a common problem with existing bamboo is that it doesn't stay where you want it. There are four possible solutions, depending on the situation:
- Rhizome Barrier - a special HDPE rhizome barrier 30" deep and 80 mil thick is buried in the ground at the edge of desired grove boundary. Easy quarterly maintenance recommended.
- Pruning Trench - 12" trench around grove boundary. Easy quarterly maintenance recommended.
Planting Bamboo for Privacy Screens and Hedges - Bamboo is ideal for a fast-growing evergreen privacy screen. Whether for privacy or decoration, bamboo is a wonderful ornamental. Unlike bamboo planted in years past, we now have the techniques and materials to keep it contained in place without fear of spreading to unwanted areas.
Management - Remove dead and damaged culms first. Then remove overcrowded or otherwise undesirable culms and branches. The desired density depends on grove use (e.g., farming will be thinner, about 1 culm per sqaure foot, while screening will be higher density to maintain privacy).
Farming Bamboo - Want a great investment? How about a plant that you harvest food (edible shoots) at a conservative two tons per acre (it's possible to get up to five), plus yearly harvested poles, plus harvest botanicals, teas, etc. Oh did I mention it grows well in the poorest of soils, requires minimal inputs, and is invulnerable to almost all pests and diseases? Oh, and you only plant it once - forever. Sounds like bamboo is right up your alley. You must have patience, though. Depending on the size and intensity of installation it's usually 6-12 years before significant harvest can be had. But after that, your yields will continue to increase every year - forever (or until you run out of land). Remember the old adage about bamboo: first is sleeps, then it creeps, then it leaps. Price varies according to project.